Honor Guard1st Vice Cmdr. Dean Richards2nd Vice Cmdr. Kevin ButwillFinance Officer Richard McKernJudge Advocate Pam GerhardJunior AMVETS President Dave BocaJunior AMVETSJunior AMVETSPNC Joe PieningMadam President PNP Patty PieingROTC Chairman Lanny BootheThomas Brown – Tampa Homeless OutreachService Foundation President Larry Arnett
Saturday Donations & Presentation
Post 444 gave $1500 for Homeless VetsPost 4767 gave $250 for DRFPost 2415 gave $1,000 for DRFPost 44 gave $1404 for Homeless VetsDistrict 2 gave $300 for DRF
Junior AMVETS gave 750 to DRF
Pass the Hat for 4 Chaplain raised $705
Sunday Closing
Doc Won Juniors’ 50/50 for $459 and gave it back.Junior AMVETS Raised $918 from 50/50 for Mission 22