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Welcome to the Department of Florida Programs

Quality programs executed by your local post are the vehicle that AMVETS uses to deliver on our promise of preserving freedoms secured by America's armed forces and enhancing the quality of life for all veterans and our nation's citizens. Effective programs drive our ability to ensure the preservation of our American democratic way of life, and to train our youth to become purposeful citizens in that democracy. We encourage you to get involved!

If your post conducts only one program of significance during the course of the year, it should be a program that serves our veterans. If your post raises only a limited amount of money that can be donated for worthy causes, make certain the money is used on behalf of our veterans or the active military. Veterans who are attracted to join AMVETS, and your post, because they align with AMVETS stated objectives of services that improve the quality of life for all citizens, will soon become disillusioned if all your post offers is a place to socialize. AMVETS, at that point, becomes just another club. We all need opportunities to socially interact and there are many of them available. Socialization should be the by-product of an active AMVETS post that is truly engaged in service to veterans, not the sole purpose for existing. In addition, younger veterans, that we must attract, need much more than just another social opportunity.

Our AMVETS organization has many programs that are available to support our American Veterans and their families, and those programs are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the programs listed, please e-mail me at or go to our "contact us" page.

The AMVETS Department of Florida asks that all of its posts report all of their programs in a timely manner. Use the Program Reporting Form provided here and send it to me. I will consolidate all information and forward it on to National for credit.

The department provides its posts with a manual that references various topics within the Membership and Programs Departments.


This presentation (click here to download) provides an overviews of the AMVETS Department of Florida's programs.


Vice Commanders for Programs should view this presentation to learn more about effectively administering the programs of your posts.


Florida veterans need your help! Learn more about veterans needs, how to contact officials to make yourself heard, and how to volunteer!